Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This Is Not a Post

It's an apology for not posting. Tonight I was at the Australian Consulate in New York for a reception honoring Australian SF and Fantasy, which was wonderful -- I got to see and talk to a bunch of people (most of whom, though, I expect I'll see in two days at WFC) -- but got me home with just enough time to eat a quick bite and check my e-mail.

I've hit an inflection point at the new job; I've learned how to do enough things that I'm busy a lot of the time, but I haven't done any of them enough that I'm really quick or good at anything yet. So it's pretty time-consuming right now, with lots of asking people how to do things.

(And that's before the two business trips and sales conference coming up in the next five weeks -- plus WFC and Thanksgiving. I may need to cut back on blog-reading even more to free up a bit of time for blog-writing.)

Anyway, that's why the posts have been thin on the ground here (and short, when they did show up) lately. I also need to read some good books, so I have something to write about -- maybe I can find some at WFC...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh. In my LJ, your post is immediately after Ellen Datlow's post about the party.

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